We’re constantly trying to figure out how to get people to our site.  We’ve tried paid search, guest blogging, social bookmarking and pretty much every other SEO strategy.  Nothing has worked as well as building a bunch of landing pages optimized for long-tail keyword searches.

A good example is a site we created for a previous project with a Baking Business theme.   We added 54 pages to the site built for long-tail searches and within 3 months we were consistently receiving over 2,500 new users to our site every month.  Here are the  stats for  2/25/2012 – 3/26/2012 :

how to add thousands of unique visitorsHere is how you can do it. Don’t worry, it’s not that complicated.

In a nutshell, you are going to add a number of pages to your site built for long-tail search terms.

Go to Google AdWords and sign-up for a free account.   Once you’re in, go to the “Keywords & Tools” tab and click “Keyword Tool”.  Enter some words that describe your business’s industry.  Just ask yourself what someone would search if they wanted to find what you’re selling.

Sort through the results and choose a list of search terms with more than 3 words that have fewer than 500 global searches and low competition.  Pick as many as you want.

Now, build a page for a each search term. The page should have the chosen search keyword as the title and the content should be appropriate for the term.  Just think of it like a resource page; add some information, links and a picture.  Keep it simple and don’t spend a ton of time on each page. If you really want to dig deep, this graphic will show you how to make the perfect page.

Once the pages are up, you’ll have to wait a bit to start seeing traffic (it takes a while for Google to index everything).

This is a great project when you have some free time, it’s a great long-term strategy for your business to steadily gain new traffic over time.

We’re about to launch our amazing new email newsletter software, check it out: