One of the best ways to get your new music to your loyal following is via your email marketing campaign.

Email gives you a fast and easy way to send your music to multiple followers without having to send out hundreds email blasts. Using email newsletters will save time, money, and effortlessly keep your fans up to date.

Attaching mp3 files to newsletters sounds like a fairly simple task but you really can’t embed or attach mp3 files to bulk emails.

When a file is attached to an email it’s added as an .html file instead of the file’s original format, making it far more likely that your email will be caught in spam filters. In the end, this could be detrimental to your future ability to send and lower the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign.

But there is a way around it. You can attach mp3 files to newsletters.

I’ll show you how with a quick example of how I added a Soundcloud file to my email.

Upload Your MP3 to A File Hosting Site:

My mp3 hosting site of choice is Soundcloud because of its user friendly setup.

I clicked the “Upload” Button at the top right of the screen and then clicked “Choose file to Upload”.

From there I selected my file and it was uploaded through the Soundcloud file uploader


Once my file was uploaded I copied the URL so I could paste it later.


Add Your Link to the Newsletter

Since I work at Flashissue, I’ll be using the Flashissue Newsletter curator.

If you don’t have it, you can get it here.

I added the link to a button in the newsletter.

  1. Open up a new email template
  2. Add a button content Block


  1. Paste your copied URL into the button’s configuration settings.


The button in the newsletter now linked to the mp3 on Soundcloud.

Then I ran a test send to myself make sure everything was functioning right.

Previewing the Results

Once the email was in my inbox, I clicked inside the newsletter to make sure the link I added was functioning and good to go.


Everything turned out great. I was linked directly to Soundcloud.


In just a few short steps I was able to add a mp3 file to my email campaign. You can attach mp3 files to newsletters too. Just follow the steps above. It’s that simple to send out new releases and keep your fans up to date and happy.

Did you know you can attach videos to your emails too? Click here to find out how.