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If you’re trying get more people to visit your blog or website, a great option is guest posting.

One of the biggest challenges for a growing company is getting new people in the door.  This can be difficult if you’re relying on organic traffic and hoping people just find you.  In our experience, guest posting has been a good way to get traffic and build relationships.

Here is our approach:

1.  Find valuable blogs.  For us, this means websites with good traffic and that also fit our target market.  We want to get in front of people who are interested in newsletters, curation and email marketing.

2. Go big.  Believe it or not, it’s the same amount of work to hook a big fish as a small one.  With little experience guest blogging, we reached out to Jeff Bullas, one of the most visible online marketing gurus out there and he said yes.

3.  Offer a compelling story.  Successful blogs can sniff out a fake in seconds.  If you’re simply trying to leverage their audience without providing anything of value, they will shoot your request down in a second.  Spend some time thinking about how you can provide value to the group you’re writing for.

Danny Iny is a marketing pro and has been able to dramatically grow his web presence through guest blogging.  Find out how he did it:

The name Danny Iny is everywhere online, though you might not know him from his own company, Firepole Marketing. Or, at least, that might not be where […]

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