content curators superheroes The new power brokers of the web will be the people who build large followings around specific niches.  There are two parts to this: creating your own content and curating the best of the rest.  If you don’t know what content curation is, you might want to click that link.  It’s a great way to improve your content marketing efforts.

It’s also  quick and simple to do and curating content gives you better SEO and more web traffic.

Steven Rosenbaum calls curators the new superheroes of the web. He talks in-depth about the value associated with having people who are constantly ‘listening’ to the web and sorting through the noise to give their audience the good stuff.

Here is his article “Content Curators Are The New Superheros of the Web“:

Superheroes are extraordinary humans who dedicate themselves to protecting the public. And anyone who’s trying to keep their head above the proverbial “water” of the web, the rising tide of data and information, knows that we need super-help…and fast.

Read More:  Content Curators Are The New Superheros Of The Web | Fast Company.