So you know it’s important to provide content to your audience but how do you choose what to post?  If your goal is to get people excited (which it should be) then you need to find resources that really engage the readers.

The rise of digital media has significantly reduced the costs associated with publishing.  Social media has made it easier than ever to share this content with friends and family.  While this is excellent in some respects, there are some notable downsides.  The biggest problem with these trends is that now there is a seemingly endless supply of crappy content polluting the internet.

So how do you get your curated or original to stand out in a sea of mediocrity? It’s easier than you might think.

Create and Send Engaging Newsletters From Gmail

Here are the 5 types of content that really grab attention: 

Do you want to engage people’s attention, provide them with useful information and, in the process, change the way they think about your organization?  In my experience, there are five types of content that can help you do this.

You can use them for print media, such as business and consumer magazines, as well as for websites, blogs, […]

Read Full Article: The 5 Types of Content That Grab Attention | Content Marketing Institute.

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