

A new Pew report has some interesting findings regarding content curation. Astoundingly, nearly one third of content consumers get their news from a ‘news organizing website or app’.  This is compared to 36% of people who actually go directly to the news source instead.

The potential here is amazing for brands to become thought leaders in their industry and be the go-to source for topical information.

As the tools for publishing become easier to use, look for more brands to get on board with the curation movement.

Content curation may be growing as organizations seek to extend their influence, but brands are only just beginning to realize its possibilities, says Shel Holtz of Holtz Communication + Technology.

“What that does is it turns your organization into the trusted guide for this stuff,” Holtz says. “It’s a reputation booster. It keeps people coming back to your organization. It provides them with content to talk about and to share.”

Read More:  More brands recognize the power of curating content | Articles